Saturday, April 28, 2012

random things I want to remember!

I have been thinking of just random little things the kids have been doing lately that I just want to be sure to get on here!  SO this will probably be a very random entry.....

WE HAVE A WALKER!  Addison is officially walking, it was the first week of April that she finally decided to join the rest of the kiddos in her classroom and be a walker.  She is getting so much better at it every day.  She definitely has her own style to walking.  She sticks her little butt out, pulls her arms up under her arm pits, and waddles around the room.

Brotherly Sisterly LOVE:  Collin can go from helping Addison take off her jacket after being outside to the next thing you know he is tackling her to the ground wrestling her or ripping a toy from her hands because it is HIS.  It is so crazy how this brotherly, sisterly exchange has already started.  Addison sure thinks her brother is the funniest person around, even if he is kicking a beach ball in her face she still just continues to laugh at him. 

E is for Elephant:  Collin has known his ABC's for quite some time but he is really starting to become aware of the letters and what things start with what.  This week on the way home from school I asked Collin the same question I ask him every day on the way home from school, "Collin, what did you do at school today?"  I was expecting the same answer he always tells me, "Anything" which is the word he uses for "nothing".  I then usually proceed to tell ask him questions about his day, like Did you read any books", Did you play outside or in the gym?"  What friends did you play with?  But THIS day was different.  Instead of his normal response he says "E is for Elephant, E is for Ear, E is for eyes and E is for Eric, my daddy!"  He was so excited about this new knowledge he had attained.  We then continued to go through all the letter to word relationships we use and he added his friends names to any of the additional letters, like D is for Dillon and C is for Collin, A is for Addison. 

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