Wednesday, July 20, 2011

6 Month update

I know, I know, it has been WAY to long since my last post.  But to say the least the past 3 months have been a whirl wind!  Between going back to work, and making that adjustment as a family of 4, then to making a new adjustment where we are all home every day together, to say the least we are pretty much always on the go.  We have also done a little traveling up to Chicago's for Greg's graduation, Dr Day that is, and then to the lake many times so far this summer for some summer fun.  SO like you can imagine I have alot to up date.  But before I forget, today was Addison's 6 month check up.  Hard to believe she is 6 months.  But here are her stats and what she has been up to lately....

Weight: 17 1/2 lbs
Height: 26 inches long

She is growing at a very steady rate always staying at a good 50-75 percentile, which can be a little hard to imagine in the weight department with her chunker thighs!  She is quickly moving into that "older" infant stage, which pretty much means, she is doing more than just eating sleeping and observing her brother all day long!  Here are some things she can do.

1. Sit up: She can sit up on her own, which is her preferred way to be.  She bats at things grabs everything in her site, today at dinner she was sitting in the bumbo and the next thing I knew she was holding the butter!
2. Movement: NO rolling over.  According to Dr. Steele it takes will and the ability to roll over and because she is so easily sitting up she has the ability just not the will.....too much work for her i guess.
3. Talking: She loves to make noise, especially when Collin is not home or not in the car with her.
4. Jumping Bean: She absolutely loves her jumper. 
5. Sleeping: She is sleeping all night, wakes up at about 5 eats and then goes right back down until 7 or so.  She is quite the napper, always take one 2 hour nap during the day then two other naps that are usually about an hour long.  This is the total opposite of her brother.
6: Eating: We have completed all the types of cereal and have so far only tried banana's, which she absolutely hates and sweet potatoe.  She is really not that interested in the food yet so I am not rushing her, especially since her doctor said there is no need to! 
7. Brother: She LOVES her big brother! She watches him at all times.  Laughs constantly at him, and whether he is being gentle and soothing her when she is sad or is playing with her by "helping" her roll over, she is always so happy when he is around.  She has just started wanting the same toys he has and he is just now realizing that she may start to become a problem when it comes to "HIS" toys. 
8. Attachment: Because she has only been away from her momma at a daycare for a total of 30 days her entire life, she is already showing strong signs of attachment issues.  She has gone to day care a few times this summer and is just so sensitive to the noises around her. The second another child cries or there is an unfamiliar noise, she begins to cry too.  Also the second I am out of her sight she just cries.  Even when we are at my parents house, if she can't see me or hear me she starts to cry.  For me, that is so hard, because at home she is the happiest baby ever! She never cries ever!!!  So not that it is good that she will be heading to day care soon, but hopefully that will help with this:(

Otherwise, she is a completely different little munchkin than her brother.  She loves to smile and giggle and is a very laid back little girl.  I do have a feeling she is going to be a bit of a drama queen, but is definately going to be a girl who knows what she wants:)

I have so much more exciting news to COLLIN IS POTTY TRAINED, and all the fun activities we have been doing this summer....but I will add some more very soon, it is past my bed time!  Plus I'll add some pics too!

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