Wednesday, December 14, 2011

1, 2 Buckle my......

Like all kids when they start to learn to talk they have those words that only the mom can understand, but in time they begin to learn the correct way to say these words.  In the past few months, Collin's speech has just flourished!  He is so much easier to understand and the words, phrases, and sentences he says every day amazes Eric and I continuously.  Tonight he told me he was ready to "ex-cer-cise" and very clearly you could make out every syllable!  There is just one simple word that he is insistent on not learning the correct way to say.......SHOES! According to Collin they are Woo Woo's.  We have practiced and practiced to say them correctly and now matter what we do they still come out Woo Woo. 

Tonight, as Collin and I were building with our blocks we were also counting each block we would place on the pile.  As we were counting I said, "One, Two" and out Collin blurts out so excited....."Buckle my Woo Woo"!!!  Just made me giggling

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just Collin

Tonight Eric and I were talking to Collin and Eric asked Collin what his name was.  He immediately stated, "ollin".  Then I said Collin Horning.  He looked at me very seriously and said, "Mommy, I'm not a Horning, I'm Collin."  I tried to explain to him that he had more than one name, Horning being a part of his name but he was very determined that he was just Collin, not Horning.  This to me is very funny because he also responds to a variety of "nicknames" all including variations of "collin patrick" "cp" "cman".  But clearly in his mind, just Collin is his name!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A few random pictures....

 Addison feeling like a big girl in Collin's bed:)

 Mr. Cool early in the morning!
Picnic Lunch on the front porch

 Daddy thinks I look like a church lady in this outfit.... however, Mommy thinks it is cute! If only he knew what was stylish these days:)

Addison trying to "help"  Collin carve the pumpkin
One of Collin's proud Thanksgiving crafts we have made

Finally.....Addison is moving!

    Addison is one of the most layed back little gals I know.  She has spent most of her life just hanging out, smiling and watching her crazy brother run around all day.  Now when I say hanging out, I mean just sitting there completely entertained and loving life....just sitting.  So for her, moving or even crawling, has never been all that important to her.  Addison has been sitting since she was 6 months, but it hasn't been until these past few weeks that she has started to become a tad frustrated that she can't move.  Sooooo, it all started with the standard up on all fours, rocking back and forth then just pushing herself up to a sitting position which usally got her to where she needed.   After a few lessons from her big brother, on Thursday she started to realize that if she moved her back legs she could actually get somewhere.  Then on Friday night she was on one side of our family room and the next thing I knew she was just crawling across the floor.  In just three short days she has discovered a much more exciting world.  She just crawls from one thing to another, pulls herself up on her knees, then moves on to the next thing. 
   Eventhough Addison thinks this new movement is amazing, Collin is not all that excited!  He is learning that what used to be his world and his stuff, she is now in his way.  Plus she doesn't listen to her when he asks her to not touch.  This morning after moving all the way around our room with his trains, and she continued to follow him, he finally went into our closet and shut the door.  As Eric said this morning, "welcome to sibling rivilary". 
   I am currently working on uploading all my pictures/videos from my phone to the computer so I will try and add a video of here soon:)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Collin's Sayings....

The other night Eric and I found ourselves repeating phrase after phrase of different sayings Collin is constantly saying.  So here they are......

1. Not Yet (loves to tell us when we are trying to get him dressed in the morning, or ready to leave)
2. What are you guys doing?
3. DUDE!
4. One more minute (with one finger up close to his face and a sweet innocent look)
5. New One
6. I got to go Potty.....always pauses before he goes to let us know until we acknowledge him
7. How about a little bit?
8. They are the both (meaning they are the same)
9. Me Addy Ann (referring to Addison)
10......i know there is more I will add them as I think of more:)

Our Big Boy

Collin has always been a talker.  But as the past few weeks have gone by, Eric and I are constantly amazed at words he knows, and the "big boy" conversations he is now having with us.  Just tonight at dinner Addison was already down for the night, so Collin, Eric and I all sat down to eat dinner.  We begin talking about going to school in the morning and he proceeded to have a conversation with us that I would have expected to have a few years from now.  He told us all the things he will probably do at school, like sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", of coarse he said he would help sing songs with Miss Katie.  Then he told us about going to play in the gym and going outside to play. Then I asked him about his friends.  He told me about one of his friends that was a "bad boy" because he hits (which now we know where he is learning that behavior) and how Miss Katie doesn't like that.  Then he said another friend also hits and he said, "I don't hit back, I just run.....eeek!".  Eric and I just sat there completely amazed at our little boy just sitting in the chair like a big boy telling us all these big boy things he experiences, and loving that he can now express all these things to us through words:). 

Monday, October 31, 2011

A few more things.....

I realized today as Addison sat on the floor clapping as Collin and I sang a song, that I had forgot to mention this new skill she has discovered.  In the past two weeks she has started to wave "bye, bye" and loves to clap anytime she hears anything that sounds remotely like music. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Family Pictures

Here is just one of the many family pictures we got taken two weeks ago.  I will post more soon. 

I love you Mommy

These past few weeks, Collin has definately found himself in a point in his life he is just not always sure how to handle.  Bascially he has hit the "terrible two's".  He is once again having a tough time with sharing his mommy and daddy with his little sister, testing the limits with behaviors he sees at school when at home, pushing his mommy and daddy to see if he can always get his way and sooo much more.  But despite these challenges of trying to be the most patient mommy ever during this time, days like yesterday make it all SO worth it.  One of Collin's favorite things to do is to snuggle in our bed with me.  The other morning at 5:45am when I really should have been getting ready for work, especially because in order to get myself and the kids ready and out the door by 6:45 there is very little "extra" time.   But, Collin looks at me and he says, "Moomy, lay with me please".  So I go lay with him for just a minute or two knowing that I really didn't have much time.  As I was laying there he leans over, gives me a kiss and says, "I love you Mommy".  Know that was one great way to start my day:)

Addison's 9 month update

I am making a pack that I am going to do a much better job keeping this updated. Lately between Addison and Collin they are both doing little things that I am continually telling myself I need to write down.  So, here is my first attempt to get better. 

To start things off Addison had her 9 month check up last week.  Here are her stats.
Height: 27 inches
Weight: 19 1/2 pounds
She was 60% for both height and weight and was in the 95th percentile for her head.  I don't feel like her head is all that big, but guess she will grow into it soon.  She checked out great.  Keeping an eye on her left thumb/hand since she is not all that great at the pincher method yet and often times forgets that it can open and close, but we are working on that. 

What she is doing:
Rolling over: It finally happened at 7 months, she realized if she just tried she could roll from one side to another.
Sleeping: She sleeps through the night, wakes up at 6 to nurse then back to sleep.  She sleeps on her stomach at school and on her back at home.  Not the best napper...but we are working on it!
Food: For the past two months she was not into anything unless it was completely pureed.  She was going as far as gagging herself, throwing everything up, if she didn't dig the texture!  However, just these past two days she has started eating pears, sweet potatoes, pees, banana just right off her tray:) So I think we may be out of that phase.  She is still nursing except just this week we have started to suppliment with some formula because I am just not sure I am giving her enough!
Talking: She is CONSTANTLY making noise.  Whether she is saying da da da da da, ma ma ma ma, ba ba ba, or even just gruting, blowing raspberries, you name it.  She is always talking or making a noise to get your attention.  I think she has learned she has to do something to get the attention away from her crazy brother!
Moving: In the past week she has learned that life would be much better if she could move.  She is trying so hard to pull herself up.  Loves to stand at things, and is spinning around on her tummy, rocks back and forth on her knees, and pushes herself backwards.  She will be SO much happier when she can keep up with her moving brother!

It is so hard to believe that she is already 9 months old.  She is the sweetest, most layed back little girl.  She loves to snuggle and ALWAYS has a smile on her face.  She thinks her brother is the best thing in the world and thinks just about anything he does is funny. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

6 Month update

I know, I know, it has been WAY to long since my last post.  But to say the least the past 3 months have been a whirl wind!  Between going back to work, and making that adjustment as a family of 4, then to making a new adjustment where we are all home every day together, to say the least we are pretty much always on the go.  We have also done a little traveling up to Chicago's for Greg's graduation, Dr Day that is, and then to the lake many times so far this summer for some summer fun.  SO like you can imagine I have alot to up date.  But before I forget, today was Addison's 6 month check up.  Hard to believe she is 6 months.  But here are her stats and what she has been up to lately....

Weight: 17 1/2 lbs
Height: 26 inches long

She is growing at a very steady rate always staying at a good 50-75 percentile, which can be a little hard to imagine in the weight department with her chunker thighs!  She is quickly moving into that "older" infant stage, which pretty much means, she is doing more than just eating sleeping and observing her brother all day long!  Here are some things she can do.

1. Sit up: She can sit up on her own, which is her preferred way to be.  She bats at things grabs everything in her site, today at dinner she was sitting in the bumbo and the next thing I knew she was holding the butter!
2. Movement: NO rolling over.  According to Dr. Steele it takes will and the ability to roll over and because she is so easily sitting up she has the ability just not the will.....too much work for her i guess.
3. Talking: She loves to make noise, especially when Collin is not home or not in the car with her.
4. Jumping Bean: She absolutely loves her jumper. 
5. Sleeping: She is sleeping all night, wakes up at about 5 eats and then goes right back down until 7 or so.  She is quite the napper, always take one 2 hour nap during the day then two other naps that are usually about an hour long.  This is the total opposite of her brother.
6: Eating: We have completed all the types of cereal and have so far only tried banana's, which she absolutely hates and sweet potatoe.  She is really not that interested in the food yet so I am not rushing her, especially since her doctor said there is no need to! 
7. Brother: She LOVES her big brother! She watches him at all times.  Laughs constantly at him, and whether he is being gentle and soothing her when she is sad or is playing with her by "helping" her roll over, she is always so happy when he is around.  She has just started wanting the same toys he has and he is just now realizing that she may start to become a problem when it comes to "HIS" toys. 
8. Attachment: Because she has only been away from her momma at a daycare for a total of 30 days her entire life, she is already showing strong signs of attachment issues.  She has gone to day care a few times this summer and is just so sensitive to the noises around her. The second another child cries or there is an unfamiliar noise, she begins to cry too.  Also the second I am out of her sight she just cries.  Even when we are at my parents house, if she can't see me or hear me she starts to cry.  For me, that is so hard, because at home she is the happiest baby ever! She never cries ever!!!  So not that it is good that she will be heading to day care soon, but hopefully that will help with this:(

Otherwise, she is a completely different little munchkin than her brother.  She loves to smile and giggle and is a very laid back little girl.  I do have a feeling she is going to be a bit of a drama queen, but is definately going to be a girl who knows what she wants:)

I have so much more exciting news to COLLIN IS POTTY TRAINED, and all the fun activities we have been doing this summer....but I will add some more very soon, it is past my bed time!  Plus I'll add some pics too!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yeah Baby!

Collin has decided that Addison needs to be a part of eveything he does lately.  Not sure how long this will last but he wants her to "play" with him.  Whether we are playing cars, she has one, coloring or painting, she has a color at all times, or even kicking the ball, she gets a turn each time.  The other night we were sitting on the floor working on his puzzles.  First he put a piece of puzzle in.  Then gives me a piece for me to place it in.  Then of coarse, he says, "Baby"(which is what he still calls her...not sure when she will actually have a name to him).  So I then grab a piece put it in her hand and "help" her put the piece in.  He then proceeded to clap and shout "YEAH BABY" and was sooo excited for her.  It was just so cute to see what a great "Big" brother he already is and is going to be.  Plus, I have started to see that he is pretty good at sharing and taking turns.....but we will see how long that last...probably until she starts taking his things!

2 months!

Okay I know it has been way to long since my last post...2 months to say the last....and you would think since I am home everyday it wouldn't be that hard.  But a few things I have realized. 
1. When staying home the days go soooo fast.....they never go that fast when at work.
2. At night after you finally get the kids in bed by 8 all you want is to have 30 minutes to just sit, of coarse that is after you pick up from the day, then you quickly realize that it is a mad dash of how fast you can get ready for bed so that the sooner you get in bed the longer you get to sleep before you have to get up again!
3. Using the computer is now just a quick check of the email and facebook of coarse then there is always a diaper to change, little one to feed, or little one to play with.
4. Nap time is no longer a time to sit around on the is now a time to eat, clean up from the morning or even just sit down for a short amount of time and do NOTHING! 

So, to say the least uploading pictures and writing on the blog has definately not happened.  But amazing things keep happening and I keep thinking I need to write that down so we don't forget it.  Today Addison went for her two month check up and here are her stats
Height: 23 1/2 inches
Weight: 11 lbs 7 oz
Head: 15 inches
She is 75 percentile for both weight and head and in the 95th percentile for height.  Not sure where she is getting this height but I seem to remember Collin starting out this way and then has dramatically slowed down in his height growth.  She had to have 3 shots and 1 oral shot.  I thought maybe the second time around seeing your little one get shots wouldn't be so hard but to say the least...I was WRONG!

She just in the past 2 weeks started smiling, cooing and is constantly watching every movement her brothr makes.  She has slept through the night 3 times, 2 times just this week and otherwise only wakes up one time a night.  Still working on our napping ability....she is a great napper in your arms but when  you put her in the bed she is a cat napper and the moment you finally give in and pick her up she instantly falls back asleep in your arms.  Surprise Surprise!

Collin is still being a great big brother.  Still has his moments where he just wants his Mommy or Daddy all to himself, but he is such a great helper.  The minute she makes a peep he jumps up to give her her pacifier or in the car instantly says "Momma, Baby"  in case i didn't hear her.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Introducing...Addison Ann

Monday, January 10th Eric and I went in at 10:00 am to St. John's Hospital and at 12:21pm Addison Ann was born.
Here are her stats:
     *Weight: 8lbs 5oz
     *Length: 20 1/2 inches
She came out kicking and screaming and it wasn't until 20 minutes later once they finally placed her in my arms that she opened her eyes, heard my voice and stopped crying.  It was this one moment that I will never forget and truly felt that Addison and I created that amazing "Mother/Daughter bond'

Okay...enough of the sappy stuff....
My poor little Collin is slowly learning that his life has drastically changed and this "baby" as he refers to her isn't going away.  The first meeting of Collin and his little sister went as I suspected.  Collin walked in the hospital room, looked at Mommy who looked a tad bit scary with a tube up her nose to measure her oxygen levels while on the pain meds and sitting in a hospital bed, and he started to cry.  Grandma at this time was holding Addison and he walked over to her took a look at her and just said "Baby" then walked away. It was within 2 minutes that he decided he was ready to leave!
So moving on to the next two days in the hospital we slowly started making progress.  The next day he brought Addison her pacifier and gave mom a kiss and a hug before leaving, but I think his total time spent in the hospital room was about 15 minutes.  Finally the last day, with the help of a chocolate chip cookie Dad brought with him, Collin sat in bed with Mommy, looked and talked to Addison and spent quite some time in the room playing with the bathroom sliding door saying "In/Out". 
Now that we have been home for a week things have finally begun to slowly become more of a routine lifestyle rather than just chaotic, getting by lifestyle.  Collin has definately had his moments of anger and frustration at his Mommy!  It took about 3 days once we got home for my favorite little snuggler to come jump up on the couch with me and snuggle.  He has definately had his fair share of melt downs and frustrations when told "no" but all in all he has really started to be a fabulous Big Brother.  Here are just a few exciting moments of that brother/sister connection we have seen....

           1. Every morning Collin wakes up and says baby and has to find her whether she is in the bassinet or swing and say "Good Morning" to her.
           2. He is a Super "Wipe" distibutor: I have given him the task of handing me wipes as we change Addison's diaper.
           3. He has taught Addison the correct way to do "tummy time"
"Not like this Baby Addison"....................."Like this"
         4. Collin really likes to help "Hold" Addison

So overall the past week and a half has been some of the most amazing two weeks yet!  I can't believe she is finally here and really life with two has been a much easier transition than I ever could have imagine.  I am sure there are many more ups and downs ahead of us but watching the two munchkins every day makes me smile more and more every day!

Here are a few more pics from the past week....

Pictures in the hospital

Trying out the bows

Addison all ready to go home from the hospital

Hard to imagine Collin was once this little too!

Finally...Collin showing off his Elmo Slippers!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Snuggling with my....soon to be big boy....

As I snuggled with Collin in bed tonight, I decided that just laying there a little bit longer tonight with him was definately necessary. One of our favorite thing to do before he goes to bed these days is while snuggling in bed we talk about how the day went, good and bad, then discuss how the next day is going to be.  Our conversations usually go like this....

Mom: Did you have a good day today?
Collin: Ya!
Mom: What did you like doing?
Collin: Ummmm
Mom: Did you have fun playing with Playdough?
Collin: Ya
Mom: Aren't yo glad we got to play outside today?
Collin: Ya
Mom: Are we going to have a good day tomorrow?
Collin: Ya
Mom: We don't have to go to school tomorrow, but we have a lot to do. We are going to go to the store, play with your trucks, clean.  What do you want to do?
Collin: Ummmm

So as you can see we have very deep meaningful discussions but I have to say this is one of my favorite times of day.  Especially as he has become such a busy body I can't help but treasure every snuggle time I can get.  But tonight it was different.  As we layed there I couldn't help but think that this is one thing that I do not want to give up with him.  As we are just one day away from having our entire world change with all the excitement of our newest little family member I can't help but feel just a little sad that my baby will no longer be my baby.  I do just keep telling myself that he will always be my baby and it is things like snuggling with Collin at night that do not every have to end!