Tuesday, November 16, 2010

entering the toddler stage...

The past few weeks Collin has started doing so many big boy things!  He is very into playing golf, kicking the soccer ball, drinking out of a "big boy cup without a lid", repeating so many words and sitting in his booster seat, NOT his high chair.  Some other things that have changed is Collin's sleeping.  He is finally learning how to sleep in!  The past few weekends he has slept in until at least 7:30 and even 8 o'clock one of the days.  Then on the school days I am having to wake CP up at 6:35 or until the last second I can giving us enough time to get him dressed and out the door in time.  Collin is becoming such a great helper.  He loves to help!  Whenever we need him to do something he is not you simply say, "Collin you want to "HELP" mommie _______".  For some reason it is that magic word of HELP that he loves.  At school he is even getting really good at unzipping his coat, taking it off and putting away in his cubby.  It is so hard to believe how big he is getting.  Collin is learning so many new words and slowly starting to say phrases.  Some of his favorite things to say and do......
          1. Mickey (meaning can we watch Mickey Mouse)
          2. Boots (collin has a slight obsession with shoes and now that it is colder he loves my big black boots)
          3. Ya (almost anything you ask Collin he has learned how to respond correctly.  For example, Collin did you have fun at the store with Grandma? "Ya" Did you ride in the big car? "Ya" Were you a good helper for Grandma? "Ya".
         Along with these great "big boy" things he has also started to have quite the strong opinion!  We are now fully experiencing lovely TANTRUMS! For such a long time I thought Collin was such a good listener, even our neighbors would comment on how great of a listener he is, for example, when I ask him to stay on the side walk and not go into the street.  However, things have changed.  One of Collin's fvorite things is to run out the garage, down the driveway, and up the sidewalk.  He will stop here and there to check and see where you are and then will continue up the street.  He will go all the way up about 3-4 houses just testing you to see if you will come get him. 
              So basically once Collin has his mind set up, he thinks that is what should happen.  We have found that if you just walk away and become engaged in something else,  like walk out of the kitchen when he is insisting on having yet another snack,  he will throw himself on the floor give a few screams and then within 2 minutes he will be back ready to play.  Another thing I have never seen from him is his lack of sharing.  Last weekend we had TJ and Sarah down to visit.  Well Collin was not all that thrilled with TJ using all his toys.  He would be okay if he was using toys he didn't care all much about but when it came to his lawn mower, broom and golf clubs, Collin was not the best sharer!  How do you tell an 18 month old he has to share when he doesn't get what that even means!  But we continued to remind him to take turns and share and poor Sarah and TJ had to experience a few of Collin's tantrums as he is slowly learning this new skill! 
           So as the little dude is definately keeping his momma and dadda on their feet he is also everyday saying new words and growing at a rapid rate!  Hard to believe he is already 18 months and within no time will no longer be our little baby!!

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