Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Wheels on the Bus

Okay so I know I haven't blogged in FOREVER!! But I have been boycotting my blog. The last few times I have put together a post I have then spent hours and hours to get it to load. But I am going to give it another try without any pictures or anything special and see if it works......

But this morning as Collin and I were on the way to our play date at the park we got about 5 houses away from our house and he instantly starts saying mu-mu-mu then signs please about 10 times. This is a common thing once we get on the road. Some of you may wonder what this means, well he would like me to put his music on so we can sing. So I put it on and here comes the song, The Wheels on the Bus. This has become his absolute favorite song. As the music begins he begins all the motions including "the wheels go round and round", "the door goes open and shut", "the horn goes honk, honk, honk" and even repeats the gas goes "glug, glug, glug". I must say watching him in the rear view mirror gets so excited about such a simple song truly makes me smile!

Another thing I have noticed as we are listening to our music is how intently he is listening to the words. He has started to repeat all the animal sounds as they are sung. A very strange song we listen to is "I had a rooster" and in this song the boy has a bunch of animals that all make their sounds. Collin has started to repeat all the sounds like "Baa", "Meow", "Squeak", etc.

Once again I am so lucky to be home with him every day and am so glad that I get to see all this wonderful milestones and experience them right there with him!!

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