After packing just about everything in the house, Wednesday afternoon we were on our way to Ohio. We quickly learned that evening that traveling in the evening is not our best option. Even though Collin is a very good car rider, traveling for more than 5 hours is not advised! We even found that after 3 hours, a stretch break is definately mandatory!! We did stop in STL for a quick play session at Brian's, but by the time we got to the hotel the poor little guy was so confused by whether it was time to sleep or time to play. So after checking into the hotel, we then experienced the worst night yet! We were basically up the entire night with at the most 4 nonconsecutive hours of sleep! So to say the least we were a bit exhausted for Thanksgiving Day!
Once finally getting to Ohio, Collin was able to meet his cousins, Nate and Emily and many other great aunts and uncles. On Friday, we went to a train display where Collin loved looking at the trains but was also so amazed by all the people!
Also as this weekend began Collin's first tooth slowly started working his way out. By Wed. this tooth had finally made an appearance. Now that this tooth is finally out, we are lucky enough to have the second bottom tooth attempting to come out as well. Collin has now decided that any and everything needs to be in his mouth. Paper is one of his favorite items as well as when sitting at any restaraunt, Collin feels he must leave his teeth marks in every table we sit at.
Finally, Collin is dying to be able to move! This weekend he has become a pro at scooting backward. I don't think it will be too long before he props up on all fours!
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