Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bye Bye

Today after a very long weekend of Eric working call, when Eric finally got home this afternoon, Collin and I were sitting in the family room playing on the floor. As Eric peeped around the kitchen corner, Collin's eyes shot up to Eric and immediately started waving to his daddy. It was so cute to see how excited Collin was to see his daddy. He then continued to wave to him until Eric came over to him. We then packed up and headed out to Walmart where Collin continued to wave to everything and everyone throughout the store!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tubes It Is

Today we went to the ENT and it is official! We are headed to get tubes next Wednesday. This is the best news ever!!! Basically Dr. Alfin said if we would have tried to fly his ear drums would have ruptured due to all the fluid and pressure he has. So I am very hopeful that this will allow Collin to finally be back to his happy self as well as he may start to get back to sleeping better!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What's New

We have been so busy lately....and so has Collin! Collin is determined to move about as well as to be standing at all times. Last Thursday morning while Collin and I were getting ready for school, Collin was holding on for dear life to his dresser. As he was doing this he pulled himself up to a standing position. I couldn't really believe that he had successfully done this so, I sat him back down and he did it again! He was so proud of his accomplishment.

This weekend we also went to KC and spent the weekend with Kristin and Rick. Frankie was so excited to see Collin, he was such a good cousin always bringing Collin toys. We tried to get a picture of the boys, but as you can imagine getting three boys under the age of 4 to sit still you can only get so much!

After watching Sam run all around the house Collin is even more determined to get on the move. This week he has finally been able to get up on all fours and rocks back and forth. When placing Collin on a blanket, if you look away, the next thing you know he is completely off the blanket by successfully crawling backward!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Laundry Basket Fun!

After returning from our trip we had an overwhelming amount of laundry! Collin decided that he wanted to be a part of this experience....not so much as a helper....but as a distracter! Gotta love that a laundry basket is way more fun than the other many toys we have!

My First Thanksgiving

After packing just about everything in the house, Wednesday afternoon we were on our way to Ohio. We quickly learned that evening that traveling in the evening is not our best option. Even though Collin is a very good car rider, traveling for more than 5 hours is not advised! We even found that after 3 hours, a stretch break is definately mandatory!! We did stop in STL for a quick play session at Brian's, but by the time we got to the hotel the poor little guy was so confused by whether it was time to sleep or time to play. So after checking into the hotel, we then experienced the worst night yet! We were basically up the entire night with at the most 4 nonconsecutive hours of sleep! So to say the least we were a bit exhausted for Thanksgiving Day!

Once finally getting to Ohio, Collin was able to meet his cousins, Nate and Emily and many other great aunts and uncles. On Friday, we went to a train display where Collin loved looking at the trains but was also so amazed by all the people!

Also as this weekend began Collin's first tooth slowly started working his way out. By Wed. this tooth had finally made an appearance. Now that this tooth is finally out, we are lucky enough to have the second bottom tooth attempting to come out as well. Collin has now decided that any and everything needs to be in his mouth. Paper is one of his favorite items as well as when sitting at any restaraunt, Collin feels he must leave his teeth marks in every table we sit at.

Finally, Collin is dying to be able to move! This weekend he has become a pro at scooting backward. I don't think it will be too long before he props up on all fours!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

YUM Avocado's!!!

Today was our first day of real food. We started out with avocado and so far Collin loves it. But that doesn't surprise me... I don't think there is much he is going to not like, if it is food he is happy!

We also got a new inflateable pool for the tub. Collin is now all about sitting up so this little tub is great, he can sit up, splash, and be ever so amazed at the sides of the pool.

Friday, November 20, 2009

6 month check up

Today Collin had his 6 month check up....even though he is actually almost 6 1/2 months old. He is 19 lbs 14 oz....which is a little less than he was due to all his sickness, he lost an entire pound last week. He is 27 1/2 inches long. His weight and height are now at 80 he is starting to thin out but his head was off the charts! He must take after his dad!!!

Otherwise, So after 5 shots, Collin checked out as a normal, healthy 6 month old. Well except for his ears.... Since Collin has now had 4 ear infections in the past months, we need to take all the precautions we can....even though Dr. Steele said we have very few things in our favor. Going to Day Care, 6 months at the start of the winter, fluid currently behind his ear that has been there for the past 2 months and constant congestion. All these things lead to signs of us having another ear infection in the next four weeks! NOT GOOD!!! So looks like we are headed to an ENT!

Another excitment for Collin is his strong desire to move! He wants so badly to be able to move around. So last night and today at daycare he scooted backwards. Looks like we are on the way to wanting to crawl!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New favorite place

This morning Eric had to work so Collin and I were doing whatever we could to keep the morning lively...especially since we were up at 6:15 today! So I have found that Collin loves to sit on any counter, I know probably not a good habit to start! But, I think he likes being up high because he would be the happiest guy if he could just see everything! So as I was getting all his medicine ready he was sittiing on the counter playing with once again tupperware. He was sporting his Cardinals pj's and Eric's Cardinals was sitting near by and he started playing with it. Even though we were the smiliest we could be because he still wasn't feeling all the great, he still looked pretty cute!

New Hair Do

From the time Collin was born his hair has always had a mind of its own. It always appears to go 1o different directions at all times. Especially the hair on the top of his head insists on always standing straight up. This morning as we got Collin ready for school we decided to not just comb his hair down but to give it a bit of a spiked look! I think he really looks like a little man here!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Problem.....NOT SOLVED!

Okay so we thought we had solved the whole problem and thought it would be smooth sailing from then on. WRONG! It wasn't 24 hours since we saw Steele the Miss Mary was calling us about Collin and his 103 degree fever! Seeing Collin with a 103 degree fever was absolutely awful. He just wimpered and wimpered in pain! So now we are back to square one...another ear infection, a fever and still throwing up. There has got to be some end in sight!!

Despite all this crazy sickness, Collin is trying so hard to be his normal happy self. Today we spent the day at my parents house. Collin has recently discovered Oscar, the old, deaf and nearly blind dog! Today as Oscar was investigating the little human that sits on the floor and makes noise, Collin stuck his hand out to attempt to pet him. Even though Oscar is bigger than Collin he quickly ran away scared of Collin's attempt! Collin went right back to playing with the tupperware and spoon on the floor...he new favorite toy!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Problem Solved....Hopefully!

After going to the doctor yet again, Collin has now been diagnosed with Gastritis. Basically his little intestines and stomach are all inflamed from the stomach flu. So now that we have some medicine hopefully he will be able to keep some food down, especially since he is now 19 pounds instead of 20.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bye Bye

As I dropped Collin off at daycare today his entire face lit up as Miss Mary pulled him out of his car seat. It is truly so hard to leave him every day, however, knowing that he just loves his teacher is so absolutely important to me! Plus, I just have the feeling that Miss Mary loves him too....maybe a little more than some of the other kids! But after I filled out his sheet for the day I waved "bye bye" to Collin, like I do everyday, and began closing the door. That is when he did it! Even though it was a bit delayed, Collin raised his right arm up as Miss Mary was saying bye bye. Now we will see if this happened to be a fluke or if he will remember to do it again tomorrow!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Successful Day

Well we made it! Collin successfully kept everything all in today. This after having the stomach flu for the past 5 days...I think we finally figured it out....feed him just a tad bit at a time and be sure to hide some Pedialyte in every feeding. Collin and Dad were able to spend their first entire day home together and I was excited to see when I arrived home, they were both just as happy when I left them. Now, they did drive around Springfield for an hour and half so Collin would stay asleep but sometimes you have to do what you need to do to get the little guy to take a good nap! Now I am just crossing my fingers that CP will wake up all happy and smiley again tomorrow with a calm stomach ready to go back to daycare!