Thursday, September 27, 2012

a few frandom pics....

Here a just a few pics from our trip to the lake and a quick video of the kiddos the other morning dancing to elmo. 

Waiting for school to open in the morning

Looking at boats at the lake

One of Collin's 20 fish CP caught this summer

Addison stealing CP's monkey and cat while he was fishing!

All the words I know

Well it's been awhile I know....but with school starting this past month I feel like once again we are running around every day doing the day to day duties of work followed by play for a short bit, dinner, baths,  and then doing it all over again the next day.  Then when the weekends come we spend it just enjoying family time to the max. 

Lately Miss Addison has really started to grow up.  Tonight when reading with Addison before bed she basically read the book to me:)  Her favorite books lately have been the 100 things books or color books that just show books with pictures and its lable at the end.  Usually here's how it goes. 
Addison points to something and says, "Uh Huh".
I then say, "Horse"
She repeats, "horse".

But tonight this is what it happened.  We sat down, opened the book and then....
Addison pointing to things, "Truck, car, duck, horse, neigh, airplane, ball, shoes (then pulling up her feet said feet), hat, baby, night night, jacket, tree, flower, bike, keys, drink, juice, banana, bird (then pointing to his beak said nose, dog, cat, monkey, cow, moo........"  She just kept going and going. 

Not that I was worrying about Addison's talking, since usually her brother is CONSTANTLY talking.  But tonight she just proved that she was just taking it all in and now she is ready to use all these words she has been hearing for so long. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Melts my Heart

Tonight as I was getting ready for Eric and I's "date night".  Collin was in our bed jumping away while I was putting on makeup.  All of the sudden he starts continually to say, "mommy, mommy, mommy".  I finally peered my head around the corner and said, "Yes Collin"  And in just a matter of seconds he just melted my heart.  He looks so sweetly at me and says, "Wow Mommy, You look pretty!" It is times like these that being a Mommy proves to be the absolute best thing in the world!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Our week away

  About 2 weeks ago Eric was once again setting out to work Epic in Oklahoma for a week, which was going to leave me and the kiddos home from Saturday - Thursday.  Now usually we would just stay home and play.....but being that it is SUMMER I thought when else is a better time to go to KC and the lake.  Our first trip was to see Sarah, Matt and the kids.  Even though no one really slept all that well we had so much fun playing in their backyard, going to the pool, going to the park and of coarse us mommies loved getting that evening chill/girl talk time in:)  Sarah had to work one morning so I experienced what life would be like with 4 kids under the age of 4! Wasn't too bad....      

   Then by Wedsnesday I think Eric was tired of hearing about how much fun we were having and he decided to leave a day early so we could head to lake for some family fun!  Lets just say it was a FABULOUS weekend.  We got there early Thursday morning and it is always so amazing how relaxing the lake can be.  We swam, fished, went on walks, went out in the boat and Collin got to go on his very first jet ski ride!  Here are some pics from this weekend.

Captain Collin and Co Captin Grandpa
Family pic at the pool
Addison's standard position at the pool....sitting on deck:)
Getting all ready to ride
Eric and his Mini Me!

Dancing Collin

Being home for the summer, and since it is often too hot to go out and get our energy out, we have been having lots of dance parties.  This morning, while I was still lounging around on the couch, Collin just started doing this dance.  The funny part about it is each time he alwasy started it the same and at the beginning was really into the moves!  Each time he would add a few new moves to it, but always kept the tap, tap, wiggle wiggle part at the beginning! 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

100% GIRL!

Collin is 100% boy!  Loves cars, loves trains, loves to wrestle, and loves to be dirty!  Then there is Addison.  She is 100% girl.  She does not like to be dirty, does not like to be hot or wet, and absolutely loves her babies!  For Addison's one year birthday she received a few baby dolls (she didn't have any prior to this) as well as a baby stroller.  Just in the past 2 weeks, here is a typical "play" time for Addison.  First gather her babies and then find a wash cloth.  The she gets either the card board bed (this was part of gift from the Gigi's), or find her stroller.  Once she has all these items she begins loving her babies, wrapping her babies in her little bitty wash cloth.  Rocking her babies wrapped in the wash cloth or placing them in the stroller after covering them up with the wash cloth.  It is the cutest thing to watch because she is absolutely in heaven and completely happy!

She even covers up her doggie with the wash cloth!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just buy a new one

I am constantly telling the kids that there is just one of me and two of them.  So when they both want to sit on my lap, its either share or no one gets it.....because....."there is just one of ME".  Well yesterday as the kids had both just woken up from naps and were wanting that snuggle time with mom, I said guys remember "there is just ONE momma".  Collin looks at me and says, "Mommy lets just go to the store and buy another one!"  Clearly that seemed like the obvious answer to this problem!

Collin's Birthday

So hard to believe that Collin Patrick is 3.  Here are Collin's Stats from the doctor: 
Weight: 33 pounds....75 percentile
Height: ?.....25 percentile

When at the doctor she listened to his heart over and over and over and over.  Till I finally asked if everything was okay.  Well she was feeling as though she was hearing a skip in his heart beat.  She checked it a few more times and sure enough she still heard it.  So that day she sent us over to have an EKG done on Collin's heart. I must say I thought I had a healthy little dude and the next thing I knew I was watching him get 13 stickies to his chest to check its rhythym.  Luckily it all came back NORMAL:)  Nothing to be worried about....Phew!

What Collin is doing/loves
Collin LOVES...
*the color yellow
*to run....he begs Eric and I after we get home from running to go for a run around the block with him
*to be outside....he could spend every day of his life out there
*to help daddy mow the grass, use the weed eater and the blower
*Chocolate Milk, yogurt, pudding, apples and peanut butter, peanut buttter and jelly, string cheese, apple sauce, pancakes,
*his train table
*Mickey Mouse (STILL), Chuggington, Cailou, Fireman Sam, Cat and the Hat, Olivia,
*to color....he has recently become an excellent colorer.  He really takes his time and almost stays in the lines.
*his monkey, kitty cat, and doggie..they are a must. He really only has to have one, not all three at a time, but you never know which one it may be that day.
*Music...he loves to carry my phone around and listen to Pandora playing the Mickey Mouse channel

Collin can....
*he has a very large that may just be a biased momma, but he is constantly saying words and phrases that I never knew he knew!  For example, we brought Maracas home from Mexico and he said, Mommy will you please hand me the instrument?  It was so proper:)
*get himself dressed all by himself and put his shoes and socks on by himself....when he wants to!
*make his bed
*put together big puzzles (with a little help)

For Collin's birthday Grandma Shelley came in town and between it being his birthday and having Grandma Shelley come visit he was SO excited!  We pretty much just spent the weekend at the park, hanging around the house and just playing.  I do have to say it wasn't until just a few days before Collin's birthday that Eric and I realized we really had not planned or even bought anything for Collin's birthday.  So we took him to Party City and let him choose whatever "decorations" or theme he wanted.  Of course he went straight to cars.  So....that of course led it to be that I was to make a Lightining McQueen cake!  I do have to say after spending quite some time on it I was pretty impressed with how it turned out:)
Doesn't that look like McQueen:)

My parents came over for cake, presents and icecream that evening since my Dad had just had his surgery they didn't stick around too long.  However Collin was so excited to have them all there celebrating "him"! Here are some of the pics. 
Collin's favorite gift was his "big boy" bike and helmet:)  He gotten so good at riding it and is such a big kid on it.  He rides to the end of the street, stops, look both ways and asks if he can go on.  He makes me feel like he is a 6 year old by doing that!!  How did he grow up so fast already!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

random things I want to remember!

I have been thinking of just random little things the kids have been doing lately that I just want to be sure to get on here!  SO this will probably be a very random entry.....

WE HAVE A WALKER!  Addison is officially walking, it was the first week of April that she finally decided to join the rest of the kiddos in her classroom and be a walker.  She is getting so much better at it every day.  She definitely has her own style to walking.  She sticks her little butt out, pulls her arms up under her arm pits, and waddles around the room.

Brotherly Sisterly LOVE:  Collin can go from helping Addison take off her jacket after being outside to the next thing you know he is tackling her to the ground wrestling her or ripping a toy from her hands because it is HIS.  It is so crazy how this brotherly, sisterly exchange has already started.  Addison sure thinks her brother is the funniest person around, even if he is kicking a beach ball in her face she still just continues to laugh at him. 

E is for Elephant:  Collin has known his ABC's for quite some time but he is really starting to become aware of the letters and what things start with what.  This week on the way home from school I asked Collin the same question I ask him every day on the way home from school, "Collin, what did you do at school today?"  I was expecting the same answer he always tells me, "Anything" which is the word he uses for "nothing".  I then usually proceed to tell ask him questions about his day, like Did you read any books", Did you play outside or in the gym?"  What friends did you play with?  But THIS day was different.  Instead of his normal response he says "E is for Elephant, E is for Ear, E is for eyes and E is for Eric, my daddy!"  He was so excited about this new knowledge he had attained.  We then continued to go through all the letter to word relationships we use and he added his friends names to any of the additional letters, like D is for Dillon and C is for Collin, A is for Addison. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Addison is ONE!!!....well 14 months now.....

This is a post I started right after Addison's birthday.....
Okay so a quick post with some of Addison's stats now that she is ONE and I will add more pictures from the party and more details later....
For the first time today I didn't get to go with one of the kids for their checkup visits.  After the flu has plagued our entire house last week I have missed too many school days and with Eric being off today I had to tell myself it was OKAY for him to take her.   SOOOO I sent Eric with quite the list of questions and waited right by the phone to hear all about it.....
Addison is such a little peanut compared to her big brother.  She barely made it in the 50th percentiles in each and every category.  Collin was always off the charts or in the top 97 percentile for everything!

Here are her stats.....
Weight: 19 pounds
Height: 29 inches
Now only 3 months later I will finish updating it:)

Addison's birthday party was just perfect.  A day spent with my family and Eric's family just simply hanging out at our house playing and talking together.  Shelley, George and Joyce all flew in from Ohio and the Robinson's as well as the Day(Brian)'s came down to help us celebrate.  I went with an owl theme and it really did turn out very cute. I do have to say for this one, I discovered the joys of online shopping where it all gets delivered to your door! Let me just say it is AMAZING, but can also be a bit dangerous.  We ended up doing a mid morning party, at lunch, Addison opened presents, ate cake and even before everyone left Addison was down for a nap exhausted from all the excitement. 
Here are some recent pics of Miss Addison....I think she has officially become a little girl!

Looking like a little farm girl

My favorite hiding places/places to play

Rocking the new pony tail:)

I LOVE my matter how cold it is.

First trip to the beach....not so much in love with the whole sand thing!
Here is what Addison is doing at one.
Talking: loves to talk! 
Says momma, dadda, Cal Cal(collin) ball, caca(cat), da(dog), pease(please), more.
Now at 14 months she is repeating everything you say, and has a few more words like outside, yes, no, go go go(from cat and the hat). 

Walking: Not so much! At a year walking was not on the top of her agenda.  She really did not care to walk or even learn how.  She was holding on to everything and scaling the walls to get her way around, but she definitely preferred to crawl. 

Eating: She will eat just about anything.  She loves pasta and strawberries at anytime of the day!

Personality:  Addison's personality has always been this very layed back go with the flow kind of girl.  She is still pretty easy going, but I think she has finally learned that she can start to have an opinion about things so she will just make a loud continuos shrieking sound when she wants you to pay attention to her.  Otherwise, she is just so happy and smiles all the time. 

Momma's Girl: She is definitely a momma's girl.  Anytime we go anywhere, it takes her quite some time to warm up to her new surroundings and will completely scream if I even think about leaving the room or letting anyone else hold her.....I do love this...but at some point she has to start breaking out!

Paci: She LOVES her pacifier.  We are now only having it at bed times and in the car, but if you leave laying around or in her bed that she can still reach it she will have that thing in her mouth in an instant. 

Brotherly love: She loves her brother so much. She still watches his every move and is starting to immitate he actions and movements.  However, she is finally starting to hold her own. Collin use to be able to take a toy from her and replace it with a different toy of his choice, but she no longer allows this to happen.  She quietly pushes his head aside or grabs the toy before he can.  She has decided at this point she is going to hold her own against her older brother.

Oh the excitement:  Addison gets sooo excited about the littlest things.  She absolutely loves Collin's kitty cats and any time he shares them with her she gets so excited by laughing and giggling non stop.

It is so hard to believe that Addison is already one!  This past year she has brough so many smiles, hugs, and the love that you can sometimes get so involved in your busy day that even my little sweet pea can always remind me that everything will be ok.  Sometimes after running around like a crazy lady trying to get everything in, it is the snuggle time right before bed that she gives me every night as we sit, read books and sing songs that I am able to be so thankful for this amazing little girl because truly has brought so much joy to our lives. 

A little behind....

SO I know I have been a horrible blogger....but life is seriously flying by, keeping us constantly on the go.  But, to be completely honest, I just have not taken the time I should to up date the blog.....instead in the hour I get between the kids bed time and my bedtime I have been doing some other things.... reading(almost finished with the Hunger Games), working out, or just sitting on the couch for a few minutes of doing absolutely nothing. that I am done with my whining and excuses, I have told myself I will do my best to get this thing back updated.  Poor Addison's last year of her life looks so boring! 
So since December just a few things have gone on. 

December: Day family Christmas: Everyone came to Springfield for Christmas.  We all slept at my parents house Christmas Eve and got to see the kids excitement together when they woke up and realized Santa really did come:)
Here are some pictures.
Collin and his new leapster

The Boys

The best pic we could get of all 6 under 6:)

Collin and his new flashlight

Addison Christmas morning
January: Addison's FIRST Birthday.  My family and Eric's family all came in town to celebrate Addison's birthday.  We just had a quiet little family get together for that day.  At Addison's One Year check up she was below the 50th percentile for both height and weight (20lbs) and she actually had not gained any weight since her 9 month check up.  However, I think in the past few months she has hit a major growth spurt and would eat all day long if you allowed her too!  I'll add a separate entry about what all Addison is and was doing during this time, but here are some pics.
Owl themed Birthday, such a cute cake:)

A litte unsure about having soo many people staring at me.

Eating her cake like the "little lady" she is, she would never dive right in!

Proud big brother, or just really excited about to get to eat cake.

Now that was an exhausting day!
Okay so there are just a few pictures! I will add more in another post that is just about her bday.

February: Not much going on.  Except for the two months of January and February the horrible FLU hit the Horning household.  We all got sick and had this nasty bug for over 2 weeks.  NOT FUN!

March: TURKS AND CAICOS TRIP! Finally, after a year in the waiting, all 16 of the Day family loaded the planes and headed down to Turks and Caicos for Spring Break! I will add more very soon about this, because it was an AMAZING trip, and we have SOOO many pictures and fun memories. But here is a few pictures from the trip.
Our last night

Hanging out at our pool

Miss Addison

Eating Cheerios watching the sunrise

Isn't it BEAUTIFUL!!!