Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just Collin

Tonight Eric and I were talking to Collin and Eric asked Collin what his name was.  He immediately stated, "ollin".  Then I said Collin Horning.  He looked at me very seriously and said, "Mommy, I'm not a Horning, I'm Collin."  I tried to explain to him that he had more than one name, Horning being a part of his name but he was very determined that he was just Collin, not Horning.  This to me is very funny because he also responds to a variety of "nicknames" all including variations of "collin patrick" "cp" "cman".  But clearly in his mind, just Collin is his name!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A few random pictures....

 Addison feeling like a big girl in Collin's bed:)

 Mr. Cool early in the morning!
Picnic Lunch on the front porch

 Daddy thinks I look like a church lady in this outfit.... however, Mommy thinks it is cute! If only he knew what was stylish these days:)

Addison trying to "help"  Collin carve the pumpkin
One of Collin's proud Thanksgiving crafts we have made

Finally.....Addison is moving!

    Addison is one of the most layed back little gals I know.  She has spent most of her life just hanging out, smiling and watching her crazy brother run around all day.  Now when I say hanging out, I mean just sitting there completely entertained and loving life....just sitting.  So for her, moving or even crawling, has never been all that important to her.  Addison has been sitting since she was 6 months, but it hasn't been until these past few weeks that she has started to become a tad frustrated that she can't move.  Sooooo, it all started with the standard up on all fours, rocking back and forth then just pushing herself up to a sitting position which usally got her to where she needed.   After a few lessons from her big brother, on Thursday she started to realize that if she moved her back legs she could actually get somewhere.  Then on Friday night she was on one side of our family room and the next thing I knew she was just crawling across the floor.  In just three short days she has discovered a much more exciting world.  She just crawls from one thing to another, pulls herself up on her knees, then moves on to the next thing. 
   Eventhough Addison thinks this new movement is amazing, Collin is not all that excited!  He is learning that what used to be his world and his stuff, she is now in his way.  Plus she doesn't listen to her when he asks her to not touch.  This morning after moving all the way around our room with his trains, and she continued to follow him, he finally went into our closet and shut the door.  As Eric said this morning, "welcome to sibling rivilary". 
   I am currently working on uploading all my pictures/videos from my phone to the computer so I will try and add a video of here soon:)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Collin's Sayings....

The other night Eric and I found ourselves repeating phrase after phrase of different sayings Collin is constantly saying.  So here they are......

1. Not Yet (loves to tell us when we are trying to get him dressed in the morning, or ready to leave)
2. What are you guys doing?
3. DUDE!
4. One more minute (with one finger up close to his face and a sweet innocent look)
5. New One
6. I got to go Potty.....always pauses before he goes to let us know until we acknowledge him
7. How about a little bit?
8. They are the both (meaning they are the same)
9. Me Addy Ann (referring to Addison)
10......i know there is more I will add them as I think of more:)

Our Big Boy

Collin has always been a talker.  But as the past few weeks have gone by, Eric and I are constantly amazed at words he knows, and the "big boy" conversations he is now having with us.  Just tonight at dinner Addison was already down for the night, so Collin, Eric and I all sat down to eat dinner.  We begin talking about going to school in the morning and he proceeded to have a conversation with us that I would have expected to have a few years from now.  He told us all the things he will probably do at school, like sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", of coarse he said he would help sing songs with Miss Katie.  Then he told us about going to play in the gym and going outside to play. Then I asked him about his friends.  He told me about one of his friends that was a "bad boy" because he hits (which now we know where he is learning that behavior) and how Miss Katie doesn't like that.  Then he said another friend also hits and he said, "I don't hit back, I just run.....eeek!".  Eric and I just sat there completely amazed at our little boy just sitting in the chair like a big boy telling us all these big boy things he experiences, and loving that he can now express all these things to us through words:).