Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yeah Baby!

Collin has decided that Addison needs to be a part of eveything he does lately.  Not sure how long this will last but he wants her to "play" with him.  Whether we are playing cars, she has one, coloring or painting, she has a color at all times, or even kicking the ball, she gets a turn each time.  The other night we were sitting on the floor working on his puzzles.  First he put a piece of puzzle in.  Then gives me a piece for me to place it in.  Then of coarse, he says, "Baby"(which is what he still calls her...not sure when she will actually have a name to him).  So I then grab a piece put it in her hand and "help" her put the piece in.  He then proceeded to clap and shout "YEAH BABY" and was sooo excited for her.  It was just so cute to see what a great "Big" brother he already is and is going to be.  Plus, I have started to see that he is pretty good at sharing and taking turns.....but we will see how long that last...probably until she starts taking his things!

2 months!

Okay I know it has been way to long since my last post...2 months to say the last....and you would think since I am home everyday it wouldn't be that hard.  But a few things I have realized. 
1. When staying home the days go soooo fast.....they never go that fast when at work.
2. At night after you finally get the kids in bed by 8 all you want is to have 30 minutes to just sit, of coarse that is after you pick up from the day, then you quickly realize that it is a mad dash of how fast you can get ready for bed so that the sooner you get in bed the longer you get to sleep before you have to get up again!
3. Using the computer is now just a quick check of the email and facebook of coarse then there is always a diaper to change, little one to feed, or little one to play with.
4. Nap time is no longer a time to sit around on the is now a time to eat, clean up from the morning or even just sit down for a short amount of time and do NOTHING! 

So, to say the least uploading pictures and writing on the blog has definately not happened.  But amazing things keep happening and I keep thinking I need to write that down so we don't forget it.  Today Addison went for her two month check up and here are her stats
Height: 23 1/2 inches
Weight: 11 lbs 7 oz
Head: 15 inches
She is 75 percentile for both weight and head and in the 95th percentile for height.  Not sure where she is getting this height but I seem to remember Collin starting out this way and then has dramatically slowed down in his height growth.  She had to have 3 shots and 1 oral shot.  I thought maybe the second time around seeing your little one get shots wouldn't be so hard but to say the least...I was WRONG!

She just in the past 2 weeks started smiling, cooing and is constantly watching every movement her brothr makes.  She has slept through the night 3 times, 2 times just this week and otherwise only wakes up one time a night.  Still working on our napping ability....she is a great napper in your arms but when  you put her in the bed she is a cat napper and the moment you finally give in and pick her up she instantly falls back asleep in your arms.  Surprise Surprise!

Collin is still being a great big brother.  Still has his moments where he just wants his Mommy or Daddy all to himself, but he is such a great helper.  The minute she makes a peep he jumps up to give her her pacifier or in the car instantly says "Momma, Baby"  in case i didn't hear her.