Friday, January 21, 2011

Introducing...Addison Ann

Monday, January 10th Eric and I went in at 10:00 am to St. John's Hospital and at 12:21pm Addison Ann was born.
Here are her stats:
     *Weight: 8lbs 5oz
     *Length: 20 1/2 inches
She came out kicking and screaming and it wasn't until 20 minutes later once they finally placed her in my arms that she opened her eyes, heard my voice and stopped crying.  It was this one moment that I will never forget and truly felt that Addison and I created that amazing "Mother/Daughter bond'

Okay...enough of the sappy stuff....
My poor little Collin is slowly learning that his life has drastically changed and this "baby" as he refers to her isn't going away.  The first meeting of Collin and his little sister went as I suspected.  Collin walked in the hospital room, looked at Mommy who looked a tad bit scary with a tube up her nose to measure her oxygen levels while on the pain meds and sitting in a hospital bed, and he started to cry.  Grandma at this time was holding Addison and he walked over to her took a look at her and just said "Baby" then walked away. It was within 2 minutes that he decided he was ready to leave!
So moving on to the next two days in the hospital we slowly started making progress.  The next day he brought Addison her pacifier and gave mom a kiss and a hug before leaving, but I think his total time spent in the hospital room was about 15 minutes.  Finally the last day, with the help of a chocolate chip cookie Dad brought with him, Collin sat in bed with Mommy, looked and talked to Addison and spent quite some time in the room playing with the bathroom sliding door saying "In/Out". 
Now that we have been home for a week things have finally begun to slowly become more of a routine lifestyle rather than just chaotic, getting by lifestyle.  Collin has definately had his moments of anger and frustration at his Mommy!  It took about 3 days once we got home for my favorite little snuggler to come jump up on the couch with me and snuggle.  He has definately had his fair share of melt downs and frustrations when told "no" but all in all he has really started to be a fabulous Big Brother.  Here are just a few exciting moments of that brother/sister connection we have seen....

           1. Every morning Collin wakes up and says baby and has to find her whether she is in the bassinet or swing and say "Good Morning" to her.
           2. He is a Super "Wipe" distibutor: I have given him the task of handing me wipes as we change Addison's diaper.
           3. He has taught Addison the correct way to do "tummy time"
"Not like this Baby Addison"....................."Like this"
         4. Collin really likes to help "Hold" Addison

So overall the past week and a half has been some of the most amazing two weeks yet!  I can't believe she is finally here and really life with two has been a much easier transition than I ever could have imagine.  I am sure there are many more ups and downs ahead of us but watching the two munchkins every day makes me smile more and more every day!

Here are a few more pics from the past week....

Pictures in the hospital

Trying out the bows

Addison all ready to go home from the hospital

Hard to imagine Collin was once this little too!

Finally...Collin showing off his Elmo Slippers!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Snuggling with my....soon to be big boy....

As I snuggled with Collin in bed tonight, I decided that just laying there a little bit longer tonight with him was definately necessary. One of our favorite thing to do before he goes to bed these days is while snuggling in bed we talk about how the day went, good and bad, then discuss how the next day is going to be.  Our conversations usually go like this....

Mom: Did you have a good day today?
Collin: Ya!
Mom: What did you like doing?
Collin: Ummmm
Mom: Did you have fun playing with Playdough?
Collin: Ya
Mom: Aren't yo glad we got to play outside today?
Collin: Ya
Mom: Are we going to have a good day tomorrow?
Collin: Ya
Mom: We don't have to go to school tomorrow, but we have a lot to do. We are going to go to the store, play with your trucks, clean.  What do you want to do?
Collin: Ummmm

So as you can see we have very deep meaningful discussions but I have to say this is one of my favorite times of day.  Especially as he has become such a busy body I can't help but treasure every snuggle time I can get.  But tonight it was different.  As we layed there I couldn't help but think that this is one thing that I do not want to give up with him.  As we are just one day away from having our entire world change with all the excitement of our newest little family member I can't help but feel just a little sad that my baby will no longer be my baby.  I do just keep telling myself that he will always be my baby and it is things like snuggling with Collin at night that do not every have to end!