Thursday, April 22, 2010

Taking Steps!

When I picked Collin up today Kaila, one of Collin's afternoon teachers, said, "Collin tell your mom what you did today". So thinking it must have been something like "he said hi" or showed a sign for more, nothing too big. The last thing I was expecting was...."He took a step to me". I immediately thought, bummer I missed my son's first step.
But, after we gave Collin his bath tonight, we always let him crawl around his room naked and just play while we get things ready for bedtime. He just randomly used all his might to push his butt in the air and stand up. According to Eric, not the best view of a nakes little dude, but he then took two steps and plopped down on the ground. He again looked back at Eric and I, waiting for the congratulated clapping, then did it all over again. And again, and again. He basically continue standing up and taking many steps until it was time for bed.
I know being a mom can sometimes be a lot of work...but I have to say it is nights like tonight that I feel so blessed to have such an amazing little guy that can bring such joy and happiness to our lives!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Collin, would you please STAND UP!

Tonight Collin was having an evening where he missed his mommy so much today...that he just wanted me to hold him. I was okay with this, because I too have been missing him so much lately! But, Eric was at work tonight, later than normal, and I was trying to make dinner. Holding a 26lb little munchkin and making taco's is not that easy. So I set Collin down however he quickly went into a bear stance, feet and hands all on the ground. He then pushed himself up and kept looking up at me. Then he did it! He stood up all on his own without holding on to me. He looked over at me, waiting for me to clap and get all excited, which I immediately did and he then started clapping himself. He has really been testing the walking waters lately, so I don't think it will be too long before he takes his first step.

This weekend we got Collin a new push toy and he loved it. Here are some pics!

Here is a little video of C.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The past month...

So I know that it has been quite some time since my last post...I guess life flies by when you're having fun! I feel like in the past few weekends we have just been enjoying life as a family! Collin has started to become such a fun little dude and is starting to make every day a new and exciting, eventful one! After getting his second set of tubes during spring break, we went back to the doctor this week for his post op check up and sadly enough his rt ear is once again partially plugged and now we have to cross our fingers that drops will clear the ear on its own! SO besides having very painful ears, the poor little guy is working on more teeth as we speak. I think he will have a mouth full in the next few months!
Easter was last weekend and we were lucky enough to have Frankie, Sam, Kristin, Rick, Brian and Rachael all come down and visit. We went to the Wilson Creek Farm Easter Egg hunt. Collin was not so sure what he was exactly suppose to do during the egg hunt but he sure loved shakin' the eggs once he found them.

We tried to take the boys picture all together...this was a good as we could get

Then last Fridaay we decided after battling with Collin's hair, because it never stays down and he was starting to get a mullet, we took Collin to get his first hair cut. He did so well! He loved that he could sit in the train and for some reason when any one needs him to sit still, like the doctor or to cut his hair, he sits so nice and still! Hopefully this keeps up!

Here C is before the big HAIR cut!
During the cut!

The final look! Don't I look Handsome!

Some other fun things Collin has been doing lately is he is absolutely in love with doors. He now will crawl into a room open and clothes the door, then will completely close the door. Once he realizes it is closed, he will put his little fingers under the door till we open it! Also, if you are in the room with him he will look up and point at the handle till you open it so he can do it all over again. Collin has also become quite a picky little eater. He has mastered the skill of located any green item from his plate, will pick it out and throw it on the floor. He also thinks that little pieces of food are for babies and insists on being able to pull the pieces apart himself or bite the pieces off. I guess our little guy is growing up! Collin has also now mastered his crawling and is really becoming very quick when he wants to get from one place to another. He is also in love with standing up and pushing things around the house. Today he even held on with just one of my hands and walked across the I think he may slowling on the verge of walking!